隨著108新課綱推動,藝術學習不再以知識與技能為限,而是關注藝術與生活及文化的結合,透過多元藝術學習,累積美感經驗,培養藝術感受力。111下半年歌劇院推出全新「藝術進校」課程企劃,以「劇場技術」為主題,六週的課程提供劇場、舞台空間、照明燈光的基礎知識,並帶領學員發展玩具劇場(Toy Box)形式的短作品。
課程研發&授課老師:王詩琪(Shih-Chi Wang)、羅婉瑜(Wan-Yu Lo)、楊雯涵(Wen-Han, Yang)
Teaching Arts in School
With the launch of the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum in 2019, art education no longer focuses on knowledge and skills only. Instead,
the focus has been shifted to how art can become part of everyday life and culture. Through diverse ways of learning, students can cultivate a sense of aesthetics. In the second half of 2022, the theater launched a whole new program to introduce art in schools. With “technical theater” as the theme, the six-week long course offers basic knowledge about the theater, theater space, lighting and so on. At the end of the program, participants will create a playlet in the form of toy box.
Course Development & Instructors Shih-Chi Wang, Wan-Yu Lo and Wen-Han Yang